Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
As a fellowship of believers, it is our mission to joyfully proclaim the gospel of Christ in word and deed, inviting people to worship together, nurturing them in the Christian faith, loving one another, and serving a world in need. We invite you to visit us.
Websites of interest to Women of the ELCA
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Church Women United
ELCA Churchwide Offices
Good Earth Village
Lutheran World Relief
Southeastern Minnesota Synod
Women of the ELCA
Book of Faith... Google Book of Faith and follow the links to the information you are looking for.
Keep up-to-date on the latest news and happenings around the synod and throughout the ELCA with the following resources:
River Crossings – The synod’s quarterly magazine.
Bridge – A synod-produced monthly newsletter connecting the congregational, synodical, and churchwide expressions of the church.
RCWeekly – A weekly compilation of the latest news and events delivered to your inbox every Wednesday.