Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
As a fellowship of believers, it is our mission to joyfully proclaim the gospel of Christ in word and deed, inviting people to worship together, nurturing them in the Christian faith, loving one another, and serving a world in need. We invite you to visit us.
Keep in Prayer our Military Personnel from the Houston area:
Keep in prayer our military personnel from the Houston Area:
Shawn Feller – U. S. Air Force
Zach Stackhouse – U.S. Army Reserves
Jessica Gaustad-Ahlburg – U.S. Army
Jeffery VanGundy – National Guards
Tom & Heather Hegland-U.S.Air Force
Lauren Johnson – U.S. Air Force
Mike Swenson – U.S. Marines
Quentin Johnson – U.S. Marines
John Erickson – U.S. Air Force
Peter Jergenson – U.S. Air Force
Hope Stremcha – U.S. Army
Joey Snyder – U.S. Air Force
Joshua Vix – U.S. Army Reserves
Chris Meyer – U.S. Air Force
Sam Montgomery – U.S. Air Force
Andy Woxland – U.S. Navy
Jacob Rogich – U.S. Marines
Nick Skree – National Guard
Nicole Rogich – U.S. Marines
Victor Henk – U.S. Navy
Jason Hill – U.S. Marines
James Hill – U.S. Air Force
Alex Townsend – U.S. Air Force
Roy Kerrigan – Air National Guard
Gretchen Hill – U.S. Air Force
Addresses of our military personnel are needed: If you know the address of one of the above military personnel, please call Sharon Knudsen (896-2020) and give her the address. We would like to send greetings to each of our military personnel from the area.