Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
As a fellowship of believers, it is our mission to joyfully proclaim the gospel of Christ in word and deed, inviting people to worship together, nurturing them in the Christian faith, loving one another, and serving a world in need. We invite you to visit us.
Cross of Christ Church Council
Cross of Christ Boards
Executive Board
President - Sandy Erickson
Vice-President - Brad Hongerholt
Secretary - Marsha Benson
Financial Admin. - Bluff Country Financial
Pastor - Pastor Dana Jackson
Property Cross of Christ Grounds
Chuck Halvorson
Stewardship Cabinet
Tyler Marshal
Stone Church Cemetery Cabinet/Property
Wayne Runningen
Evangelism Cabinet
Michael Berg
Finance Cabinet
Steve Halvorson
Youth Representative
Property/Cross of Christ Building
Keith Herek
Worship and Music Cabinet
Kathy Olson
Personnel Cabinet
Ron Evenson
Education Cabinet
Heather Reay
Jessica Brand
W/ELCA Representatives
Lyn Halvorson and Elsie Olson
Stone Church and St. Peter’s Cemetery Association
Wayne Runningen
Vice Chair:
Gene Lundak
Cheryl Eaton
Patrick Forsyth
Krin Abraham
Royce Bergsgard
Duane Hegland
Denise Rostad
Council Rep:
Wayne Runningen
Synod Assembly
Youth and Family
Jessica Brand
Heather Reay
April Carrier
Richelle Botcher
Krin Abraham
Lyn Halvorson
Elsie Olson
Nominating Committee (2024)
Larry Jerviss
Steve Westby
Jerry Stapinski
Krin Abraham
Jim Edwards