Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
As a fellowship of believers, it is our mission to joyfully proclaim the gospel of Christ in word and deed, inviting people to worship together, nurturing them in the Christian faith, loving one another, and serving a world in need. We invite you to visit us.
Cross of Christ
Sunday Service
Worship at 9:30 am
Coffee Hour at 10:30 am
Sunday School at 10:30 am
Communion Served Every Sunday
( Facebook Live
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One License with license #A-725137. All rights reserved.)
We Love the Annual Meatball Supper!
Sometimes it is interesting to just sit back and try to bring up pictures of the past. That happened to me this week with the “Fall Supper”. I’m not quite sure how old this supper is but I know - before we moved into the new Cross of Christ building, once a month, on a Friday, the “Ladies Aid” put on a supper that included hot dish, jello, pickles, buns, and cake. That Friday night meal was totally convenient because families could eat at church and then head to sporting events. I think the cost was like 50 cents for adults and less for kids. It was EAT OUT night!
It wasn’t long after we moved into Cross of Christ that the BIG supper began. By big, I mean that every woman in the congregation was automatically a member of serving groups as soon as they came of age. I‘m not sure what coming of age meant but, for me, I came of age as soon as I got married. I guess we had no choice.
I was 21 and not a fantastic cook when I received a call that the “Church Supper” was coming up and would I bring an apple pie. (That hasn’t changed.) To say the least, I was panicked! My mom made great pies, but I never took an interest in learning the skill and now, it became a challenge to save face. Back in the early sixties, grocery store frozen crusts nor frozen pies were non-existent. To create a pie required a rolling pin and skill using it. As I recall, I spent a week making apple pies until I finally thought I had an acceptable end result that would meet the approval of the pie chiefs of the Cross of Christ serving groups. I evidently had work to do because when I picked up my pie plate only one piece was taken out.
Now, 60+ years later, men and women work at the supper, both preparation and serving. I don’t have to bring a pie -too old- I just have to contribute $ and eat the fabulous food. Pretty amazing that a congregation can continue this tradition and going from a “Ladies Aid” supper in the downstairs kitchen of St Peter’s Lutheran Church (a.k.a Early Childhood Building) to a well-organized “drive through” snaking to the back of Cross of Christ where 795 were served.
Here are some of the unofficial stats:
Went well!
Great volunteers, served up 795 meals at $12ea. A few of those were free for kids who worked.
450 lb potatoes, 380 lb meat, 30 gallons gravy, 90 butternut squash, 140lb frozen green beans plus rolls, salads and donated apple pies.
Kudos to all those who contributed and Kudos to a small town church who still hangs on to some traditions.
Upcoming Events at Cross of Chris
October 9 Confirmation/Club 56 6:30 (S.S. 6:00)
October 10 Funeral 11:00 and visitation 10:00 for Butch Kohnen
October 13 "Fall Fest" following worship
October 13 ALICE training 3-5
October 24 2:00 WELCA mtg. Election of officers w/Thank Offering
October 25 & 26 Hobby Huddle 8:30
ALICE Training
ALICE Training (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate)
Sunday, October 13, 3-5 PM
Cross of Christ Fellowship Hall
Hosted by Sgt Zach Swedberg and Investigator Chris Frick, Houston County Sheriff's Department
The threat of an active shooter is rare but real. Violent events can occur anywhere, even in a small town such as Houston. Places of worship are just as vulnerable as schools and businesses. The aim of ALICE training is to prepare for such an event and empower our congregation should something like this take place.
This training is open to all members of the Cross of Christ congregation.
If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Sandy Erickson, Church Council President.
10/7/2024 - 10/13/2024
2:00 Ruth Circle
6:00 Executive Mtg.
6:00 Bell Practice
6:30 Confirmation/Club 56 (S.S.6:00)
9:00 Fall Supper follow up mtg.
Friday: Pastor’s Day Off
Saturday: 11:00 Funeral for Karyn Olson (visitation 10:00)
9:30 Confirmation Handbells/Contemporary Worship Service w/Holy Communion/FB
10:30 Fall Fest
3:00-5:00 ALICE training
Caring Collection for October 20th
hand soap